söndag 31 augusti 2008

What a weekend.. In Singa

Yepp been exploring some in Singa, not much but some new experience about the country that i have been living in for a month now... Will update later about the details..

Have actually do some study now while im not to tired, I actually have my first Quiz on wednesday and I might as well start study for it now... Cause today it seems to be bad weather!

Some music (Takida) and a couple of hours should get me more prepared for the test, Yeah!!

So update later on... Zaijian

torsdag 28 augusti 2008

YEAH, as i wanted..

As i said, this morning when I wake up it was raining... You dont feel for going out when you hear the sound of heavy rain, so i stayed in bed and on my room for so long... Made some homework and just waited out the rain..

The rain suddenly stopped for a short while and I was heading for some food before my classes should start.. It felt like the weather could be better and my roomie was talking about getting down to the pool, no way i thought... there will be rain again and I should just stay in and go to my lectures so it did not bother me if it rained then...

But after my first lecture it seemed to be better and better weather, all of sudden you could see the sun from time to time... had one hour between my lectures and I spend it with reading some statistic and a coup of coffee and a piece of buns... This is some kind of sweetness that most singaporians take with the sweet coffee they have here, figure a sweet content surrounded of a white dough. Tastes kind of nice but they do also have buns with some kind of meat and stuff inside but i have dared to test that yet!!!

Nice cup of coffee and the bun..

The sweet content

By the way the, the coffee here is all right but if you want plain black coffee you have to tell them like two/three times that you DONT want any sugar or milk in the coffee.. otherwise you get it..

Cause singaporians dont drink coffee black here, but the black coffee is nice without the sugar and milk!

So I went of for my second lecture for the day, and know the sun shined more and more clearly on from the sky.. Hm and I who almost havent seen the sun for a couple of days had to go on lectures for an hour, bad luck! Had no choice, the statistic is not easy so I had to go...

The main reason of that it is kind of hard subject to take here you realise if ya watch the movie below.. I have, how to say it, not the easiest lecturer to understand what she is talking about!

I think it is easier to read it instead of listen to her... But she is funny!

So of course after my lecture the sun was SHINING... So, i hurry as much I could home, got my swim suite and went to the pool for some realxing in the sun after a hard day in school, so nice!

One other thing I have noticed around here is that they always clean where ever you go, always very old women or men wiping the floors or tables. And you are on some places not allowed to take away the plate you have eaten on, cause then they take it from your hands...

Old women wiping the floor...

So when i have eaten, it is better to rise from the chair and let the plate stand on the table... So they have something to do! So from now on I always gonna do that, gonna be strange when I come home but people around me have to get used to it.. :D

The rain...

Yeah, I hardly remember the last time i went to the pool for some swimming and enjoying the often good weather...
The last week it rained almost everyday, so boring.. and on the weekend when we had nothing to do expept for maby get in to town and explore Singa some.. It rained..

I thought this was kind of regular with heavy rain once in a while here but know it rains evereday, I asked some locals in my class yesterday if this is a common period here in Singapore and if it used to be like this, and she repelled with that this was not regular... The raing period in Singapore should start in the end of november and go on until the end of Januari... But I would not be here that period so I guess Im lucky to get to see some rain now, but know I've seen it... It's enough now! Give me some sun..

A video captured by Pontus really explains our weather!!!

söndag 24 augusti 2008

Crayfish party + rain... Like home!

Yesterday we had plan to hold an crayfish party to give the other exchange students a taste of Sweden... And as it always does in Sweden, it rained! I´ve been here for more then three weeks now and this last week it has rained some everyday...

But we are used to this at home, so the wheater is never an issue...

So we spotted a good place for the party, and went of to the only place in Singa where you could feel like your are almost home... IKEA. Of course they have a lot of furniture and stuff but they do also have some Swedish food, so we did get some cray fish, a nice marinated salmon and of course some swedish vodka with the taste of wild Strawberrys.

IKEA, when you needs it... Thank you Inge!

By eight the party started and when all the people where gattered there was a lot of swedish songs, cray fish and of course lots of fun all night long...

Today have been I think the moooost rainy day ever, almost like when you home and the rain is very very intense... but the differens that when you are home it stops after a short while, here it dont!

So the rest of the day will be, stay home, do some homework, maby watch a movie or the final of the olympics or something... Damn Im bored now.. Where is the tropical sun when ya need it?


torsdag 21 augusti 2008

Goin Chinese... Finally!

This day has been a regular day in school, have some kind of hangover from yesterdays visit at M.O.S but it aint that baad... Only tired and all f****d up in my stomach as usual!!

One thing that is a mysterium about last night, at M.O.S there is alots of different people... but there are some of them that are stranger then others..
I mean of course those people thats is kind of difficult to realize if they are a Guy or a Girl!?
Last night i had to go to the bottle with this, they look exaktly like girls, at least those I've seen
but something is strange... They often sit in the bar by their own or standing in the near of the dancefloors just looking around..

Girl or a Guy..!?

So i decided to talk with the girl/guy by one bar, she/he looked så bored so I asked him/her why she/he was so bored... And the answer i got back was "No im not bored, where you from".. Gentleman as I am I anwered the question and at the same time i asked where she/he where from.. got the answer of "I am from china".. By the sound of the voice you could tell that this was not a girl, it sounded just like a guy who was tryin to get a girls voice!!

But I had to know the truth... So I asked "You are a guy arent you??", of course he repelled with "No im a girl"... but that was too much for me... I went away from the bar as fast as i could...

But now i know the mystery, and i did not like the truth!

Yesterday was an exiting day in school, wednesdays are the worst of all days according to my schedule, I have one tutorial (Övning/lektion) and four lectures (föreläsningar) so there is kind of much to try get in ya mind at the same time...

But there is also a funny day, cause I finally got the course I tried to get for about one and half week. I am now reading Chinese Level 1, and today was my second lecture...

I now know how to say regular words as hello, hello teacher, goodmorning, goodnight osv...

But i will for sure need alots of practise in this course, we are supposed to learn 300 different characters and be able to hold a short conversation. But that should not be a problem? As long as I pass im ok.

These lectures are sooo funny, I kind of laugh all the time when we are practising on the different words and pronunces of them... I like it alot.

My first chinese characters..

Now it is time for some western food, hopefully a warm and delicious pizza is on the way from Canadian Pizza... Yummie, my stomach needs it soo bad now!

soo... Zàijiàn

tisdag 19 augusti 2008

The adventure to K.L... And HELLA Gucci!!!

So as planned we started our adventure against Kuala Lumpur, It was me my roomie Martin, the US guys D-Bag (Daniel) and Big Sal (Sauvik) and the deutch, with no plans at all except to get there on some way we went of from campus area by 5.30pm... Heading for the border in two cabs!!

Yeah, we did have to wait for big sal and his deutch fellow... Boooring start!

We went true the first border after an hour then we WALKED over the bridge to Malaysia... Cars and motorcycles drived like crazy and the sidewalk ( pavement :D ) was so tiny, but we survived and got to the next bordercontroll. This border took about 10-15 min, so strange how it can be such a different... Singa and their fukked up rules, you aint even allowed to brings some chewing gum across the border in Singa, cause then you got a fine!!!

Yeah thats J.B from the bridge!

Finally we where in Malaysia, in J.B , but were should we go now? All we know was that some express buses departed from Larkin bus station. So heading for Larkin was the plan, we where lucky and meet and kind man as worked on the MRT i Singa. He helped us to catch a bus to Larkin...

The first impression of Malay was people who shouting TAXI, TAXI and tryed to make us get in to their taxis, and we had only crossed the border with a couple of meters and there was already a huge differens to how it is in Singa...

Dirt and garbage everywhere, the sidewalks have huge holes and their is poor people sitting/laying everywhere... Sometimes i wished they had some D.P!!!

Hm whatever it could have been worse!!!

So after a qiuck bus trip and some haggling for a bus trip to K.L we finally had our tickets, The bus where suppose to departure 9pm, But after a while we realized that the bus would not departure until the bus was filled up.. So of we went to K.L by 10pm...

D-bag and his cat, while we waited for the bus...

Not the best bus ride I have been on but, it could have been worse... At least me and D-bag got the best seats in the whole bus, some much spaaace for our legs HELL YEAH... but was aint even wort a mind of getting some sleep on the bus!

Finally heading for K.L

After 4-5 hours we arrived in K.L, so where to go now? To find a place to sleep would be awsome... but with no knowledge of where we were, or where we could find cheap living we struggled towards down the street, we did se a sign with "backpackers in".. but there were no room for us there...

By the end of the street a man looking like Gandalf tryed to give the deutch a paper, first he refused to take the paper but he did get it at last... But Gandalf was quick and walked around us and he managed to give us his message... He had room for us at a hostel.. Stange! So we did follow Gandalf, tired and freigtened we got in to an elevator, daw it where hard to imagine from the first impression, this was kind of i nice hostel.. and cheap as hell.. we payed 12 ringas each, thats like 4-5 Sing dollars ( 24 kr) per night!!

Hungry and tired a couple of minutes later, really not knowing if we wanted to sleep or eat, Gandalf came shouting, guys.. there are some girls in the lobby that arrived earlier today, I think you should go and talk with them, they are also from Singapore! And we had some seconds earlier decided for getting some food, so we went down... said hi to the girls that was from UK and then we went for some food... Did not know where to go, so we went in one direction, but nooo food was found so decided to go back for some beers in the lobby, and some comparing of the schools in singa and so on...

Next morning we got up kind of early, and the only destination for the day where to get to chinatown and buy cheap clothes and other "genuine copied" stuff.. Did not know exactly where it was but we had an direction of where it was so whatever just go there, a couple of minutes later we found the place called Jalan Petaling, you could tell it from the smell and the people shoooting FRIEND FRIEND, come come SPECIAL PRICE for you!!!

China town, And HELLA GUCCI

Big Sal got him self lots of FRIENDS!

We did spend some hours there, haggling for better prices, the prices was not even high from the beginning but it was the haggling that became the game of the day..

Went home and got ready for exploring other stuff in K.L.. And then the rain came.. But even daw, we went and saw those towers... REALLY beutiful!! but not that exiting!

The twin towers, I can see the sun!

Went home for saving some energy for the nights adventures, but it was boooring... So me and D-Bag went for the haggling again... went out from the hostel and felt some rain drops.. Told him that hey, do you think it will start rain.. WHATEVER he shouted and before we know what happened to rain almost drown us... But we got saved under a bridge with a bunch of locals, struggling for awoiding the rain we decided for going to an restaurang in the near! A coup of tea was just what we needed...

The Rain stopped and the haggling begun, for real.. we had practised it earlier and now we knew the rules..

Later on the night we went for a bar called "Reggae bar", nice place not so cheap and big but fun anyway... And they had the best beat-box performance by some young fellow I ever have seen!

Kind of drunk we struggled through the china town that was about to close down and Hi-fived every one we saw.. Sooo funny!!

And then the weekend ended by taking a Super VIP bus back to Singa, Sooo nice...

The weekend was defenitive worth it, lots of adventure and just what we wanted!!

tisdag 12 augusti 2008

Going to Sentosa... Ohooohooh!!!

The plan for the weekend was to travel away, cause when the national day occurs on a friday you are free from school the next coming monday. So we had a looong weekend, but it seems that everyone had the same thoughts as us. Cause there where no availible buses to malay as where our destination for the weekend.

The day after national day was a disaster, as i mentioned earlier. But there is no experience if ya just lay down and give up... So the next day the bags where packed, sunglasses (check), Sunblock (check), towel (check), yeah thats what you need for a whole day on the beach... Of course some food and alooot of water.

So of we went, the weather seemed to be nice today so no doubt about that this was gonna be an awsome day. Went from the campus by 11, and arrived at Sentosa two hours later...

Cool buildings on the way to Sentosa

Nice weather, YEAH!!!

Everywhere in Singapore they building new stuff, comin up an Casino???

It where such a great weather all day loooong, I did enjoy the sun alot and did swim some in the water. I even managed to play some beachvolley with a not always splendid result of my own contribution. But as the most good days do to early is to come to an end...

No complaints at all...

Tired after all the sun and the beachvolley we did leave the beutiful island... But there will for sure be more visits to it.

Bye Bye Sentosa.. Se ya later!

This upcoming weekend we planning to make a try to get to Tioman Island i malay... will see how it ends...

söndag 10 augusti 2008

Celebrating National day

Yeah, im so lazy updating my blog but there is so many other things to do. Seems like everyday here is an experience... I shall try be better but I wont promise anything!

Anyway, We went for celebrating nationalday with the locals yesterday. And it was kind of fun, this is not even close to how we celebrate national day in Sweden, I guess it is aint even worth saying that we celebrate it. That would be embarassing.

Well in Singapore there seems to be a huge thing with celebrating the national day. Their is some big parade and shows everywhere. And sooooo much people out on the street. Later on the night their is flightplan shows and fireworks, to mention some of the things they do. I post some pictures to show how they celebrate it and maby ya get the point.

Today has been a weird day. We had decided for going to the beach again Sentosa. Went up kind of early to get their in time. When we went from the campus it was alot of clouds in the sky but not that bad, we thought they would disappear before we got there so off we went. By the time we got to the mrt station it started to rain. It can do it all off sudden here but it will often be over very quickly. So we went to the station that is near the beach. But then it were still raining. So we decided for taking one hour in the shopping mall and hopefully the rain would have disappered and to sun would shine... But after one hour, it would still rain some. So this day have been a day in the huuuge shopping mall in Harboour front. Then we went home. All I bought was a T-shirt with a small whale on, the whale was some kind of logo and the shirts only cost me 4 dollars and you do need many T-shirts here.

Now im just waiting for my laundry to be done then it will be bed time for me.

Huge buildings in Singa...

And they are niiiiice...

Soooo niiice!!!


More to come..

Lighted the night up...

Really nice ending of the night!!!

torsdag 7 augusti 2008

Exploring M.o.S... King on the dancefloor!!!

King on the dancefloor... Martin!!!

Really nice dancefloors!

Yesterday was a regular day in school, exept for that i got so many lectures... was kind of tired on the first one but after some coffee i was back on track!

Had some real interesting lectures, and I got my first homework. Did not really realize what it was about but I guess i will figure it out until it shall be done. The lecturer told us to "think outside the box", so there would not be a problem finishing this assignment..

Later on night we went out for exploring the place called Ministry of Sound, a really huge place. But it where kind of expensive place, but you could double your money in to drink tickets. So if you paid 10 real singa dollars, you got 20 fake singa drink ticket dollars. This was kind of needed so I doubled some dollars...
The interior at this place was so cool, there were like rooms and dancefloors everywhere.

Today has been an enormous rehab day, it has felt like it where sunday all day long. But I have truly found my favorite canteen place now, it is so fresh and they do have some sushi. I like alot. So dinner today was some nice sushi with real nice salmon.

There will be more times, I just wish it where as cheap as all the other food in the canteens...

The sushi place to the left...

The canteen

tisdag 5 augusti 2008

The second day in school...

This was a kind of nice day, now Im starting to realise how things work around here... Feels kind of nice.
I got up this morning and just heading for the pool, it was not that good wheater but it where allright... I and my roomie svimmed about 1 kilometer so I was kind of tired after that.
After that we did need a lunch/breakfast ... we got to canteen 2. I really like the food there!
Got a little piece of the nature on the way too...

The Art and Design building

After that I went to my fourth course , it was a three hour long lecture and the first half of it I was so tired cause I had just got lunch. But I managed to stay awake and then we had like 15 minutes break I really needed to get some coffee.

Manage to find a seven eleven, and they got one machine where you could get, as it said "Strong coffee"... But all I got was coffee with milk and lots of sugar, damn!

The second half of the lecture we watched a movie, it was really interesting and the professor wanted us to write down notes about the lecture so we would easier remember what we talked about...

When the lecture was over I headed for the pool again, really nice to have a pool on the school area. Then we got dinner, and manage to get our clothes washed.

And as all other nights, we did meet up with all the other exchange students on the staff club and hang around and enjoy our time in singa...

Now Im tired so the bed will be really nice...

måndag 4 augusti 2008

First day in school..

So it finally started, the holiday where finally over... Got up early in the morning to go for my first lecture in engineering ekonomics and finance... kind of scared to go to something I dident really know what it was but it all went out good.

I think the teacher where good and he held a basic level on the first lecture..

After that lecture i went for trying to fix all my courses, it's kind of a mess but I think I manage to get some controll over it today!

On my first day in school it rained...

The Rain...

So much dark clouds..

Then i had my second lecture and it where in strategic management of product development, this where also one kind of a nice lecture. But sometimes it's hard to understand what the teacher means cause you not used to their language.

People in Singapore seems to talk their english really fast. And not pronounce the word so well...

But after two lessons there where time for some rest, and I found my rest in the pool...

So tough to study... by the pool

One hour in the pool and then it where time for next lecture, on the way home from the lecture i capture some nice nature on campus...

Now where soon heading for some afterharddayinschoolbeer... =D

söndag 3 augusti 2008

Getting to Singa is nice...

So, i finally made it... Flyg och allt gick bra och nu är man här i den galna varma, på tok för många skumma regler staden!

Flyget till Singa...

Än så länge har man inte råka missköta sig men det kanske kommer med tiden...

Det är galet mycket svenskar på det här stället, minst 20st... så det känns som hemma fast annorlunda!

Var ute och festa på någon sorts klubb igår och det var helt sjuuukt. Kosta 20 dollar att komma in, vilket motsvarar ca 100kr (det är man ju ganska van med). Men sen väl inne på stället kostade varje drink 3 dollar, vilket motsvarar mindre än 15kr.

Så kunde om man ville köpa en hel pinch för 14 dollar, men det motsvarade ungefär fyra drinkar så man tjäna inte speciellt mycket på det. Var bara jobbigt att hålla i en pinch och ett glas samtidigt...

Idag har vi vart på ett ställe som heter sentosa island, en konstgjord ö. Men det var riktigt nice, varmt som vanligt och riktigt salt vatten...

Sentosa Island

Enda som var lite illa var att eftersom Singapore är ett industriland låg det massa fraktfartyg precis utanför ön som vänta på att få komma in i någon av alla de fula hamnarna. Och dessa fartyg är ju inte de mildaste vad det gäller utsläpp i vattnet så. Men det gick att bada iaf...

Pallar inte mer nu, men slänger upp lite photos.. =D