The rain suddenly stopped for a short while and I was heading for some food before my classes should start.. It felt like the weather could be better and my roomie was talking about getting down to the pool, no way i thought... there will be rain again and I should just stay in and go to my lectures so it did not bother me if it rained then...
But after my first lecture it seemed to be better and better weather, all of sudden you could see the sun from time to time... had one hour between my lectures and I spend it with reading some statistic and a coup of coffee and a piece of buns... This is some kind of sweetness that most singaporians take with the sweet coffee they have here, figure a sweet content surrounded of a white dough. Tastes kind of nice but they do also have buns with some kind of meat and stuff inside but i have dared to test that yet!!!
Nice cup of coffee and the bun..
The sweet content
By the way the, the coffee here is all right but if you want plain black coffee you have to tell them like two/three times that you DONT want any sugar or milk in the coffee.. otherwise you get it..
Cause singaporians dont drink coffee black here, but the black coffee is nice without the sugar and milk!
So I went of for my second lecture for the day, and know the sun shined more and more clearly on from the sky.. Hm and I who almost havent seen the sun for a couple of days had to go on lectures for an hour, bad luck! Had no choice, the statistic is not easy so I had to go...
The main reason of that it is kind of hard subject to take here you realise if ya watch the movie below.. I have, how to say it, not the easiest lecturer to understand what she is talking about!
I think it is easier to read it instead of listen to her... But she is funny!
So of course after my lecture the sun was SHINING... So, i hurry as much I could home, got my swim suite and went to the pool for some realxing in the sun after a hard day in school, so nice!One other thing I have noticed around here is that they always clean where ever you go, always very old women or men wiping the floors or tables. And you are on some places not allowed to take away the plate you have eaten on, cause then they take it from your hands...

Old women wiping the floor...
So when i have eaten, it is better to rise from the chair and let the plate stand on the table... So they have something to do! So from now on I always gonna do that, gonna be strange when I come home but people around me have to get used to it.. :D
1 kommentar:
HAHA jag ska tänka på dig när jag trodde mina föreläsare sa obegribliga saker
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