One thing that is a mysterium about last night, at M.O.S there is alots of different people... but there are some of them that are stranger then others..
I mean of course those people thats is kind of difficult to realize if they are a Guy or a Girl!?
Last night i had to go to the bottle with this, they look exaktly like girls, at least those I've seen
but something is strange... They often sit in the bar by their own or standing in the near of the dancefloors just looking around..
Girl or a Guy..!?
So i decided to talk with the girl/guy by one bar, she/he looked så bored so I asked him/her why she/he was so bored... And the answer i got back was "No im not bored, where you from".. Gentleman as I am I anwered the question and at the same time i asked where she/he where from.. got the answer of "I am from china".. By the sound of the voice you could tell that this was not a girl, it sounded just like a guy who was tryin to get a girls voice!!But I had to know the truth... So I asked "You are a guy arent you??", of course he repelled with "No im a girl"... but that was too much for me... I went away from the bar as fast as i could...
But now i know the mystery, and i did not like the truth!
Yesterday was an exiting day in school, wednesdays are the worst of all days according to my schedule, I have one tutorial (Övning/lektion) and four lectures (föreläsningar) so there is kind of much to try get in ya mind at the same time...
But there is also a funny day, cause I finally got the course I tried to get for about one and half week. I am now reading Chinese Level 1, and today was my second lecture...
I now know how to say regular words as hello, hello teacher, goodmorning, goodnight osv...
But i will for sure need alots of practise in this course, we are supposed to learn 300 different characters and be able to hold a short conversation. But that should not be a problem? As long as I pass im ok.
These lectures are sooo funny, I kind of laugh all the time when we are practising on the different words and pronunces of them... I like it alot.

My first chinese characters..
Now it is time for some western food, hopefully a warm and delicious pizza is on the way from Canadian Pizza... Yummie, my stomach needs it soo bad now!soo... Zàijiàn
2 kommentarer:
haha, sött att du lägger till med svenskan emellanåt!!
when can I come and visit ? :) good english btw.
well you seem to enjoy your visit.
I understood that you where there to study but it seems to be more get drunk and flirt with guys ^^
I hope you enjoy your visit and take it easy with the girls, you never know ;O
Best greetings, Sandra
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