It takes About 40 min with the mtr and then you there... In China, just like that. But that is of course if you allready are in Hongkong. As decribed earlier it has been crazy, somethings are hard to imagine but when considering that I just visited a town that has 12 million citizens, Sweden have 9 million in the whole country... that is crazy, and it is probably some answers of these things.
Well we had our last day on in china today since ägget/strecket/gluggen had to catch a flight to get back to Sweden. So we woke up kind of early when consideration of that we had a full body massage that ended 4 in the morning. Had told them to wake us up so I woke up of the sound of some chinese women trying to have a conversation with me on chinese... Got up by 10!
Relaxed for a while on the Spa then headed in to the shopping mall for doin some more haggle and to pick up some clothes at the tailor we had ordered... The highlight with the travell from the Spa to the shopping mall was probably the best highlight of the day...
We travelled with style, in a Rolls Royce... That was freaaaakin awsome. And the price for goin with it where crazy cheap. We where three people and payed 1 euro each... Hey what happened!!! Satisfied with that we did our final shopping and then headed back to Hongkong...
Try to highlight the visit with some pics.. enjoy!

Five floors haggling

At the tailor fitting a shirtWorth every yuan
Travelling with style

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