Then I went to my class which was not the most interesting class ever but I feel that I need to go anyway. On some matter they lecturer notice your attendance so it is really good to attend all classes. After the lecture my roomie called, he and a couple of other exchange student where gonna go and try some wakeboarding. I did not have any other plans so hey, hell yeah I wanna go.
A little freighted cause i never really tried snowboarding, and they say it is easier if you have done that. But hey, im a fast learner so lets just give it some attempts. I have tried some kneeboarding before but that like not even compareable.
The place was a cable circuit so you just start from one spot and then go around and round, usually you go wakeboardning after a boat and I guess thats more fun. But this place have open until 12pm and thats nice. On the circuit they have some jumps and stuff that looks pretty dangerous for a newbie...
The first attempt I did not get that far, but att least it was close to swim in and give it a new try, it sort of took me three attempts to get to the same point before I made some progress with it and came further and further, my goal of the night was to come around whole circuit and in the last run for the day i did it. So happy with that performance and pretty damn sure I am gonna try this again we went for some food and a beer after this before we tired and exhausted decided to go home.
I did manage to capture some pics of those guys who have been doin this way lot more then I have. Enjoy.

The start point

Over the jump...
3 kommentarer:
Självklart :) Du verkar ha det kanon borta i Singa!! Kram
Brorsan! Nu vet jag ju visserligen inte om det kommer finnas nån snö kvar i landet när du kommer hem,
men annars så skulle det ju vara fett kul om du inte kunde åka med mig nånstans och åka lite snöplanka!
så får du lära dig att åka snowboard istället för bara skidor :P för det suger ju!
hehe, jag och en polare iallafall, vi har tänkt att vi ska åka nånstans, typ en långhelg... ken vi får se!
Är du intresserad eller?
Det vore kul, det var ju så jävla länge sen man såg dig. :)
Svara på facebook eller msn vetja, jag kommer inte kolla [just det här] inlägget varje gång jag kollar bloggen.
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