So after havin been measured and all by the tailor we had decided to go for the closest possible beach to get that tan you dont seem to get here in Singa... I feel as white as a unwritten paper!
So after some quick research we found that the closest beach was Pattaya, two hours with cab and we should be on the beach.. tryed to find something about it before we went their and found some information of that there might be some bar streets with hookers.. But hey we wanted some beach and sun, cant be that dangerous?
So after the tailor we managed to catch a cab that would take us to Pattaya, but they did of course not wanna take us their by charging us with meter. He said a price and we said yes, and then he started drivin like a maniac.. I dont think we ever speeded underneat 130km/h..
One and a half hour later we where at Pattaya, got of by the beach and started to struggle for finding a nice and cheap place to live... Walked up the first street from the beach, found a place immedietly but it seemed a little to expensive for us, so we struggled furter on... decided to go back towards the beach and walk along it, took the first street we found to get there and all of sudden it felt like thousands of crazy thai hookers were yelling at us "Hey sexy man.." even do we walked in the middle of the street and did aint even look at them they came towards us all the time almost attacking us. But we survived and decided to never walk on that street again..
After that we found a real nice living at Twin Palms resort, leaved our stuff and went to the beach... We stayed in Pattaya 3 nights an under that time we experince alot of strange things..
Well see the pics..

Hollywood inspired...

Just tired on work...
Hard rock hotel

Hard decisions

Took a 9mm of course...

7 kommentarer:
Hey! Vart kan man panga med puffran? Fick ju aldrig leka med den i lumpen! :P Vad hette stället?
Pattaya thailand bruchan.. :D
Det man inte minns, har inte hänt.. Så nej, det stämmer inte :)
Ah, fan vad najs med bilder :) Vad händer i veckan? Partaja på lördag månne?
Men Mange, ICAkort? Du har kanske glömt vilket land jag är i, men jag är i landet "vägra-internationalisera-sig" och här funkar absolut ingenting som det borde. De är sååå efter.
hahaha, älska short time-rooms
Hur är det med träffsäkerheten?? Du har ju gjort lumpen.Första skottet jag sköt med Miches Magnum blev en sjua,men vad ont det gjorde i skuldran.Hälsar din Mor
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