Yepp long time ago since I last updated this blog, but there is no excuse for t but I have had some things to do for a while. But since no one complaining in the comments maby there is no one that reads this blog anyway.. :(
Well since my last update I have been doin some things.. I have had my first test in this school, and I think it went all right. There where 7 quick answer questions and tre longer answer questions. We where told that the test should be on one hour but i turned out to be only 45 min..
My doubts with this test before i got there was just the time. But I answered the quick answers as fast as i could and started on the longer ones... Did manage to get an realistic answer on two of them and started on the third one. And all of sudden, 5min left, 4min left... 1min left.. I could not get any good answer with some one standing and yelling the time. So I missed one question for sure, but whatever.. as long as I pass im all right! :D
The weekend where gonna be a planned adventure to the island in the northern part of Malaysia called Pulau Redang. But we where supposed to go there 10 persons but three ones dropped of so left was the 7 guys that only knew when the bus departured. All of us did not got place on the same bus so we took two different buses, Me and my Martin took one bus and Daniel, Said, Big Sal, Henrik and Jocke took another one.
Travelling with style...
Not as in Singapore.. dirty and poor YEAH!
The buses departured at the same time and the bus trip were supposed to be 9 hours, but for me and martin the bus trip where more like 10 hours... But when we arrived we had have no contact with the others so we hoped to get to see them where the buses stopped. But they where not there.. A man told us that their bus had got a break down and where three hours late..
Great, what to do now? We did not know on what resort we had reservated, so we could not go there.. and we did need to take out money so we could pay the resort for the living..
This view meet us! And where to go now..
We managed to find a crazy guy that wanted to take us to the neerest ATM machine so we could bring out some money, he took us to the neerest petrolina station 2km away. But of course the ATM machine was out of order. But we did need money so we asked him again to take us to the neerest ATM machine... Ehhm ok he said, I take you there for 80 ringa (160kr) but it will take 1 hour, so a quick calculation, the others bus where three hours late hopefully, that gives us one hour extra to not miss them... Of we went to the ATM machine, He never speeded under 100km/h and with the knowledge of that there where no safety belt and that all of sudden some of the cows that standing on the side of the road could decide to go over the road this went to be an adventure in the adventure. The travel did not take one hour one way so we did manage to get back in time.

Crazy man driving us to ATM machine
Back at the place we found the right resort and now things become clearer. The resort guy we talked to had have contact with the bus our friends where on so now we know when they were gonna be there. So we got some extra time in the sun looking at some beach crabs while we where waiting for the others.
A beach crab... with one claw?!
On the the way...
Finally they arrived and we could get on the boat to get to the redang island. It was nice weather and the island was as great as we supposed to.... I let the pictures talk for them self but this was absolutely worth all the time to get there. On the island we enjoyed the sun and the warm water with the tought of that "Hey, I actually get paid for doin this", THX CSN and KTH...

There where wild monkeys!

I also tried some snorkeling thats was included in the trip, this made me more interested of diving so we managed to get a discovery scuba dive without license but with some instructors. It was so nice ...

I found Nemo.. Aww
7 kommentarer:
Åh, vilka härliga bilder! Nu vill jag med lämna tråkiga campus!
sexy beachboy;)
Haha spinkig kille!!!
Alltså... Du ser ju inte ut att ha det tråkigt direkt =) Eller kallt, haha..
Hösten börjar smyga sig på här i baguettlandet, men det är ofrtfarande jättevarmt.
Kom och hälsa på snart! Puss
Vidriga bilder.
Och som på beställning kom min nya blogg upp idag.
Storslagna planer komemr sen.
Detta skulle jag också vilja se,jag kommer
Är vattnet verkligen så blött som det ser ut???Jag kommer den 29/9 för att känna efter så det är bäst du har badbrallorna på!!!KRAM
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