Some updates from the sunny and nice Koh Tao..
Christmas on the Beach: Yesterday it was christmas, there where hard to believe it but it was a little sense of it in the air... People where wearing the red top hat as usual, so i feeling that it was christmas where there but... different!
Woke up really early in the morning, have started a Open water diving course which means that i will get a diving license. So the alarm went of 6 in the morning and it was time to try and find some breakfeast, there where impossible to find some rice pudding in 7-eleven which was the only place that was open. After this we meet up with our diving instructor and started to collect the gear we needed for the day, packed the stuff up in a boat and went away..
We did two open water dives, we had started the course the day before so we had allready made the shallow water training that includes some exercises that are good to do before you go into deeper water. I have made some fun dives before so i felt comfortable, and the dives where sooo FUN.
After the diving we had a small academic which means we had answered on some homework questions and we went through them with our instructor, after this we watched a diving information movie and then we where free for the rest of the day.
So on the schedule where to try and find some food and then just enjoy the rest of the night. We where told that it was gonna be christmas party on the beach so to join that was what we did. Had a fun night but it was a strange way of celebrating christmas on...
Some pics from Koh Tao so far... More is comin